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Important Notice!

  • Please read the service instructions(from FIX/RETURN, WARRANTY, TRADE-IN PAGE) carefully to ensure a smooth process. If you have any questions, click the customer service button on the right to contact us via Messenger. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • After completing your SERVICE REQUEST FORM, SP will evaluate your product status within approximately 2–3 working days. Please return to the Track Request Status page to make payment and proceed with the next steps.
  • The Claim, Fix, and Trade-In processes have been updated. Please review the updated procedures on the FIX/Return, Warranty, Trade-In page thoroughly.


Product Information

Model Spoke hole
Serial No. (ex.)
Product Picture Please take a clear hub body picture with clear serial No. and SP logo.
Receipt Received Date
Receipt Picture
Please note that if your product is still under warranty, it is essential to upload your receipt details. Failure to do so will be considered a waiver of your right to free warranty repairs. Thank you for your understanding!
If your product is still under warranty, please ensure you upload your receipt details. Failure to do so will be considered a waiver of your right to a 10% discount compared to the non-warranty period.
Where did you order
When did you order

Claim Issue

Please tick the claim issue

Select Your New Product

Model Spoke hole

Parcel Information

Length cm
Width cm
Height cm
( length + width + height ≤ 40cm )
Weight kg ( < 1kg )

Personal Information

First Name Last Name
Country Zip / Postcode

Ask Anything In Here

After submit, please visit Track Request Status to check the latest progress. In general it takes around 2 weeks from pickup to serve and return if no delay yields in the courier side. If any question, feel free to contact SP using Messenger.


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